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Downpour: The Wizard and the Clouds

Downpour is a platform puzzle game starring the adorable Wizard Skybeard. As per most platform games you control our hero by using the arrow keys to make him run, jump and travel up/down ladders. Some obstacles are impassable without help however and this is where things get interesting. Wizard Skybeard is able to cast a spell and take control of the clouds using his little wand. On the first levels this starts off with just a white fluffy cloud. This cloud can be used to knock things over, rustle things out of the trees or move light objects from one place to another. As you advance through the game however the Wizards skills will improve which allows you to perform more powerful spells. For example you can transform a white cloud into a rain cloud. The rain cloud can be used to wash away obstacles, water vines to make them grow and drive enemies away to find shelter. It can also be used to fill up caves or ravines so that you are able to swim to otherwise inaccessible areas. The next cloud that you will unlock is the thunder cloud. This can be used to frighten and attack enemies. The thunder cloud can also be used to power old machinery. Next is an acid rain cloud. Acid rain can be used to eat away at the landscape so you can reach new underground areas. It can also be used to combat some enemies. Last of all are giant clouds. These can be brought down to the ground to make a thick fog. While it is foggy you can sneak Wizard Skybeard past enemies without them seeing him. This is especially useful against the strongest enemies that you cannot kill or frighten. Downpour is an extremely creative free game that can easily keep you busy for a days just playing around with the different game mechanics. It has a lot of content and some great level design to boot so don't be surprised if you're still playing 2/3 weeks after you started.

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