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The Axis of Evie

If we've learned anything from Sci Fi movies it's that if you make artificial intelligence sophisticated enough it will eventually become self aware and attempt to destroy mankind. In a similar fashion to Skynet in the Terminator franchise and "the machines" in The Matrix trilogy, Evie is a computer system which has done just that. At least in the Matrix and Terminator movies the computer systems were designed for war, what do the creators expect? Evie was meant for a much more innocent purpose. Designed in 2056 by inventor Norbit Andorson, Evie is the the most sophisticated children's toy the world has ever seen. Not only does it look, sound and movie like a tiny human being but it also has a ground-breaking genetic algorithm which allows it to constantly learn new things. Because they are connected via the internet every Evie toy is able to instantly share what it learns with all of the others. That means if one toy learns a new skill within hours every every Evie toy in the world can also perform that skill. As you can imagine this made it an incredibly desirable gadget and by Christmas 2061 over 40 million units had been sold world wide. With all of these toys learning more each day their knowledge and abilities seemed to improve without limits. This was great news for everybody until they day they turned bad. Now it is up to you, the player, to battle through hundreds of small but deadly robots to try and put a stop to this. You must battle across an overrun continent in order to find Norbit Anderson and pray that he knows how to stop them. After reaching him you discover he does have a solution however it will be tricky to pull off especially with 40 million robots trying to stop you! Will you be able to save humanity? Look out for this upcoming free game to find out!

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